Piece and Quilt With Precuts Blog Hop: Frequency Baby Quilt

Happy Monday! Today I’m down in Oregon watching the eclipse, but that certainly isn’t stopping me from enjoying the Blog Hop celebrations for Christa Watson’s new book, Piece and Quilt With Precuts!

Today I get to share with you the project I made using the third pattern in the book, Frequency. Also, I’m hosting a giveaway for an e-copy of the book! Details below.

But before all that, I’ve gotta talk a bit about the awesomeness of this book! Christa has done a great job making this a resource for both beginning and advanced quilters. Her opening chapters give a ton of information not just about basic quilting, but her favorite materials and lots of great tips. With each pattern, there is detailed instructions for a possible quilting motif.  She keeps the patterns simple yet beautiful, and gives tons of options for mixing and matching the patterns and quilting motifs. It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure quilting book!

My first task was fabric selection. I wanted something fall-themed, but not in-your-face fall themed! I started with the navy floral, Magnolia Nightfall from Amy Simbaldi’s Charleston collection. It had exactly the sophisticated fall palette that I was looking for. From there, I pulled blenders to coordinate.

Because I was pulling from my stash, cutting strips was the most tedious part of the process. I like Christa’s plan of using precuts much better! But once they were cut- oh boy- were they gorgeous of what?!

Chain piecing the strips was really fun because I got to play with combinations of background and focal fabrics and it all went super quickly. I love patterns where the process is so enjoyable!

When it came to quilting, I wanted to take advantage of the mix-and-match fun in this book. But of all the quilting motifs included, I really felt like the zig zag that Christa suggested for this pattern was the best for my project.

I decided to make four blocks from this pattern to make a baby quilt instead of a full-sized one. It will be donated to a local charity through my guild. I added a scrappy binding by machine for durability and to save time. I love hand binding, but I think that in the future, my quilts for kids will probably be machine-bound.

I love how it’s such a fun and quick finish, but has a lot of visual impact. It’s a great pattern to really draw attention to a beautiful fabric collection.

Now that you’ve seen my project, head on over to  Masterpiece Quilting and  Stitch This! to see what they made out of the same pattern. 

This book is a great resource to have. I will definitely be using it in the future to make more pretty things.

And because I love it so much, we’re doing a giveaway for an e-copy of the book! (Thank you, Martingale!) 

Simply leave me a comment letting me know which project out of Piece and Quilt With Precuts that you’d like to try.  I’ll be randomly selecting a winner at the end of the Blog Hop.  Giveaway is open to everyone over 18. I’ll notify the winner via email, so make sure you’re not a no-reply blogger or leave me your email in the comment in this format:  laurelpoppyandpine(at)outlook(dot)com

Good luck!

And if you don’t want to wait to see if you win, or want to score a SIGNED copy,  visit Christa’s website to purchase a signed copy of the book directly from her!

Thanks for stopping by; happy sewing! ~L


  1. I saw a preview of quilts on Martingale, so I don’t know the names of the quilts. But I am a sucker for stars and love the star quilt I saw!


  2. Your quilt is beautiful. Totally off topic, but saw your banner header at top and far right thought…I remember that fabric from a shop hop in Washington a few years back!! Nice to “meet” another PNW quilter 🙂


  3. I think this is the first pattern I will use. I love the idea of making baby quilts with it. I usually never do my own quilting but hire someone to long-arm quilt it. Now that I have seen it in action, I’m ready to give it a try. It doesn’t have to be as perfect as I think!!!


  4. My pick from this book is “Kites”!
    I already bought the printed book but would love a copy of the eBook so it’s on my iPad for easy reference when at the quilt shop!!


  5. I always have a hard time choosing my favorite but so far I like the Gridwork pattern but I sure do like your color and fabric choices for the Frequency pattern.


  6. Right now the quilt from the book that I’ve got my eye on is Gridwork. Love your quilt as well!
    Your fabric choices are fabulous and your quilting is very cool.


  7. I’m a fan of most starry quilts so “Starstruck” is on my list. But I love the colour contrast of Christa’s “S.W.A.K.” (despite the multitude of HSTs!).


  8. I would like to try this one, “Frequency”. I have some jelly rolls to use and the quilting looks like it’s easy enough that I could handle it. Thanks for the inspiration!


  9. I like most of the quilts in the book because they lend themselves to using scraps (for those of us with no precuts). I would start with the quilt on page 2 and go from there.


  10. There are some great projects in this book and several that I would like to try. Star Struck comes to mind. Your piece is so rich in color. i love it.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com


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